

At Prepare4care, every new Care Specialist that joins our team, undergoes a comprehensive five day induction before they join the community. A continuation of training means, that Prepare4care are always ready for any changes in the Care Support we offer and we can adapt accordingly. This will guarantee the high quality of service we offer.

Care Assessment

When you are assessed by Prepare4care, a robust assessment process is undertaken. This includes obtaining thorough information of what you need in term of Care and Support, what Health conditions you may have and are there any high risks associated with providing you with Care or Support. 
Once this is completed Staff members are then assessed by their competency levels. This includes their training levels; skill sets and qualifications. This will result in Prepare4care being able to build a suitable and competent Care Team that can fully fulfil your needs. 

Outside training is resourced, if you have a need that our Staff are not already trained within. This means that you can be confident that you have a fully qualified and competent Care Team supporting your every need and that your Care Support is tailored to how you want it to be delivered.

Training Journey

Prepare4care hold a matrix system outlining each individual skill set held by each individual Staff member. This system outlines all experiences in different situations, qualifications held and strengths and weaknesses of staff members. This has allowed Prepare4care to create a portfolio of Staff members, that can be perfectly matched to Clients depending on needs, required skills and levels of require Care. It also allows Prepare4care to develop staff depending on their area of expertise and additional training required to build skill sets held by Staff members. 

Staff must attend 15 face to face, full day training courses in house throughout the year to ensure their skills, knowledge and education in Care Specific courses are maintained to a high level. Staff must complete their diploma’s in Health and Social Care and work towards upskilling themselves throughout the levels. Staff must complete 16 eLearning courses to bridge the gap between face to face training. Staff are also offered additional accredited long distant learning, in different specialised Care Courses. However, Staff must complete one mandatory course each year to work towards their Continued Progressive Development and upskilling themselves. 

Legal Compliance

In addition to training Staff, must have a complete HR personnel file. This includes ensuring all personnel documents and Data Baring Service certificates are within the required HR policies and procedures. That documents meet the requirements and the HR check list for all documents is complete before a potential employee can be placed into stage two recruitment. This checklist then moves onto a live and ongoing document for each staff member. This includes induction reviews, shadow reviews, spot check reviews, supervisions and appraisals. 

Prepare4care are an approved centre with Trainer Course ltd. The Registered Manager is also a fully qualified Health and Social Care training and diploma assessor. Training Courses Ltd quality assures all the training courses delivered and a quarterly certification record is produced to ensure the training is being delivered to the correct standards and quality training is being provided to staff. A training matrix is used to record and evidence what training each staff member has completed and what training is outstanding. This is audited monthly to ensure 

Prepare4care are aware of where each staff member is within their training and progression. This information is then crossed referenced to each staff members CPD to evidence their progress and this information is then used within staff supervision under their development section. 

Monthly Reviews

Along with each individual Staff member ongoing CPD, reviews are held with our Clients and their required care circle. This enables Prepare4care to reflect on how well the Staff member is meeting the needs of the client and if the client’s needs are being met with the required knowledge and education from their entire Care Team. 

The results are documented and audited monthly, this information is carried over and discussed within the Staff members supervision and Care Team meetings. If further training is required a plan of action will be created with SMART measures on how the Staff member and Care Team are going to achieve the additional training and within the required time frame, to ensure the needs of the client are always met. 

Review meetings are held monthly, daily notes are recorded by the Clients Care Team and this is also used within the meeting to reflect on how outcomes are being met with the Clients. All this information is audited and documented to show evidence of progression within the Clients Care Team and each individual Staff member. 
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